Read what Pati Perkasa, Instereo Radio Consultant Founder wrote on his blog while he was still 96,7 Hitz fm Station Manager about Radio Content Packaging.
This year its another momentum for 96,7 HITZ fm again, because CIVIL WAR is coming in theaters. Then we decided to do the continous promotion on HITZVENGERS with a lot of tweaks, like we bring more HITZVENGERS (as announcers grow in numbers) and have to be better since last year.
In 2016 we made this cool videoteaser for HITZVENGERS Return, from this video we want build a strong excitement to our listeners that they are back with more superheroes and new ability with a little comedy.
Then after that we gave a great promotional videofor people to watch. Its not a ordinary ticket giveway! its another something different.
This is a good example that, how radio can do crazy packaging that bring excitement to people with a strong campaign. Radio in Indonesia keeps evolving, packaging is the king
Kenapa Brand Anda Membutuhkan Konten Podcast?
Dengan lonjakan popularitas podcasting selama beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak bisnis, merek, dan perusahaan mencari opportunity dari podcasting sebagai cara menyampaikan pesan mereka di depan jutaan orang dengan lebih efektif. Podcasting yang sudah marak dari belasan tahun lalu di Amerika kiniRead more…
Terharu melihat video HITZVENGERS itu, mengingat kelucuan2 waktu pembuatannya bersama boss Pati Perkasa.
Memang Pati Perkasa bertangan dingin untuk menggarap program radio, super kreatif yang dimilikinya, sehingga Deryansha banyak mendapatkan ilmu radio dari si tukang radio Pati Perkasa.
Inilah program radio unggulan saya hasil polesan tangan dinginnya dan jadi kebanggannya “Sirkus Pagi” :
Terima kasih Derry, Sukses terus ya. Amin